Thursday, March 9, 2023

Please help us with a #Review


 How can you, the consumer, help small businesses succeed on Amazon ?

When we ask for "seller feedback" It helps us rank. Ranking means a lot because then we do not have to pay more to advertise. This economy has been crushing us for the last year. Not being able to qualify for any help from the SBA we have struggled with everyone from Amazon and the USPS to UPS raising fees. 


Here is quick reference to leaving us seller feedback. Put it into perspective- have had been selling on Amazon for 4 years and have only 56 reviews. That is hurting us a lot.


 Simply go to your "orders" on your Amazon account page and then you will see this screenshot above, just click "Leave seller feedback" It is SO easy and takes literally less than a minute. 

The other button "write a product review" only pertains to the product and helps the maker/manufacturers


Monday, March 6, 2023

How to save on all products #Serracor #Floracor #Excellacor #Serrapeptase


Prices below are 10% off MSRP 

NO codes or coupons

Excellacor $89      Serracor 300 $112    

 Floracor $41 

 Serrapeptase $35 120 or 300-$71

Digest GI $26    Lipase $22    

  GlutenRelief $19



 Floracor-GI  180/360 Vegetarian Caps Intestinal & 

Candida Cleanse Natural Premium Probiotic, Prebiotic &

 Enzyme Formula

Floracor-GI is a revolutionary blend of probiotics, prebiotics and enzymes 
specially formulated to help maintain a proper balance of intestinal microflora, 
inhibit pathogenic bacteria and prevent the overgrowth of yeast organisms, 
mainly Candida. 


 Buy direct Get free shipping and 10% off msrp 

Excellacor 450 Vegetarian Caps Premium Natural Systemic Enzyme Formula Total Body Support Contains Enteric-Coated Serrapeptase 


Excellacor contains enteric-coated serrapeptase, a key ingredient in fibrin metabolism. The enteric-coated allows the enzymes to bypass the acidic environment of the stomach and reach the small intestine, where absorption occurs. Without enteric coating, enzymes will denature in the stomach, and simply be a really expensive digestive enzyme. Excellacor break down proteins and amino acid chains, promoting total body support. This supports a healthy response to inflammation, fatigued muscles, joint function, and promotes fibrin metabolism.

Serrapeptase 80,000 SPU Vegetarian Caps Natural 

Systemic Enzyme Enteric-Coated Serrapeptase 

Serrapeptase is a powerful systemic enzyme that promotes total body support and fibrin metabolism. Serrapeptase is a powerful proteolytic enzyme derived from the bacteria found in the intestine of silkworms. Known for its beneficial immune cell response, with 80,000 SPU, it is one of the strongest on the market.

Serracor-NK 150/ 300 Vegetarian Caps 

Circulatory & Respiratory Support 

Systemic Enzyme Formula 

Contains Enteric-Coated Serrapeptase & Nattokinase 

Serracor-NK is a powerful blend of enteric-coated Serrapeptase and Nattokinase. Systemic enzymes known for their fibrinolytic properties, with antioxidant herbs, CoEnzymeQ10 and magnesium. Serracor-NK supports a healthy circulatory system & normal fibrin metabolism. Supports the body’s natural response to inflammation including respiratory and sinus, and cardiovascular health.

Digest-GI Ultra contains a powerful combination of enzymes formulated to support the digestion of proteins, fats, dairy and carbohydrates. Digest-GI promotes optimum nutrient absorption and overall digestive health. Supports the breakdown of difficult-to-digest foods.
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Saturday, March 4, 2023

How you can help our Small Businesses Succeed on #Amazon


 How can you, the consumer, help small businesses succeed on Amazon ?

When we ask for "seller feedback" It helps us rank. Ranking means a lot because then we do not have to pay more to advertise. This economy has been crushing us for the last year. Not being able to qualify for any help from the SBA we have struggled with everyone from Amazon and the USPS to UPS raising fees. 


Here is quick reference to leaving us seller feedback. Put it into perspective- have had been selling on Amazon for 4 years and have only 56 reviews. That is hurting us a lot.


Simply go to your "orders" on your Amazon account page and then you will see this screenshot above, just click "Leave seller feedback" It is SO easy and takes literally less than a minute. 

The other button "write a product review" only pertains to the product and helps the maker/manufacturers


Wednesday, March 1, 2023

#Nattokinase directly dissolves the aggregated protein found in #Alzheimer’s & #Parkinson’s disease



   Use this above "BUY Now" to direct order Get 10% off & Free USPS Priority Shipping 

(msrp $124.99)

  Parkinson’s disease is an irreversible nervous system disorder that primarily affects musculo-skeletal movement. While the progressive disorder can cause stiffness and slow movements, signs and symptoms vary greatly among patients.

Common symptoms include: 
Slowed Movement
Rigid Muscles
Impaired balance
Impaired Posture 
Speech changes

Parkinson’s disease is caused by the gradual breakdown of brain cells called neurons. The loss of neurons leads to a decrease in dopamine levels, leading to abnormal brain activity. Only 5% of Parkinson’s cases occur before the age of 40, with incidence increasing with age. A majority of cases seem to be sporadic and of unknown origin – however, like most diseases, there is a significant genetic component.

Recent theories about the causes of Parkinson’s disease are based on abnormal fibrin production and deposition in the brain. Also known as the “amyloid hypothesis,” researchers have been looking at the role of abnormal protein aggregation in Parkinson’s and other neurodegenerative disorders, like Alzheimer’s disease. There seems to be a correlation between fibrin deposits and brain tissue degeneration, suggesting that the fibrin contributes to cellular death in these diseases. Similar to Alzheimer’s disease and Huntington’s disease, Parkinson’s disease involves the mis-folding of a specific protein, eventually leading to fibrin deposits.

There are several theories as to the underlying cause of Parkinson’s, from oxidative damage to environmental toxins – but the latest research seeks to understand why the dopamine-containing neurons are affected so greatly. In fact, by the time a Parkinson’s patient presents with symptoms, about 70% of the dopamine-containing neurons have already been lost. Current therapies aim to address dopamine deficiencies, but future therapies seek to address the prevention of neuron degeneration (cellular death of the brain cells).

Although systemic enzymes are implicated for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease, their use in similar neurodegenerative diseases has yet to be studied. Specifically nattokinase, which has been shown to directly dissolve the aggregated protein found in Alzheimer’s disease, may be an option available to those suffering from Parkinson’s disease.

Nattokinase is a natural systemic enzyme that helps to decrease fibrin levels in the blood. Nattokinase is also able to reach areas where fibrin has already accumulated – helping to restore blood flow and inhibiting cellular death due to oxidative damage. Perhaps the most promising aspect of systemic enzyme therapy is its ability to be used concurrently with other medications. The only restriction is upon the use of nattokinase, which should be discussed with a doctor prior to adding it to a regimen with prescription blood thinners. However, it should be noted that systemic enzymes do not cause adverse side effects or drug-drug/drug-nutrient interactions.

  Use this above "BUY Now" to direct order Free Shipping (msrp $124.99)

Sunday, February 26, 2023

#Diverticulitis a condition of #Inflammation try #Natural #Enzyme #Excellacor



Introduction to Diverticulitis
Diverticulitis is a condition of inflammation. The walls of the intestines balloon out forming pouches where undigested food particles, small seeds, [e.g. strawberries, raspberries] lodge. These pouches, called diverticula, become perforated (torn), infected and inflamed.

Diverticula, due to frequent constipation and eating a low fiber diet, which is typical in the USA, contributes to the development of diverticulitis [“itis” meaning inflammation]. Low fiber diets produce maladaptive changes in the colon resulting in increased pressure that can cause pouches to form at weak points in the wall of the colon. When there is insufficient fiber to add bulk and the inability to soften stool, stools are harder to pass.

Other causes that are associated with diverticulitis include a family history of the disease, thyroid deficiency, emotional stress causing colon spasm, hidden food allergies, and may be related to vascular disorders or gallbladder disease as well as obesity, or a poor diet . It is well known that stress and smoking make symptoms worse.

Diverticulitis is usually associated with constipation, but bouts of diarrhea should not be overlooked as well. Diarrhea is the result of insult and injury to the cells of the small intestine.

With diarrhea there is dehydration and a loss of electrolytes. Fluids are very important for colon health as fluids help rid the body of toxins. Tests should be conducted to see if there is a bacterial infection, viral infection, or parasitic infection.  

**NOTE: artificial sweeteners cause diarrhea.

Symptoms of diverticulitis include episodes of lower abdominal pain and cramping, changes in bowel habits, and a sense of fullness in the abdomen. With chronic or severe cases, there might be fever, tenderness and rigidity of the abdomen over the area of the intestine involved.

People may experience:
Pain areas: in the abdomen
Gastrointestinal: bloating, blood in stool, change in bowel habits, constipation, diarrhea, indigestion, nausea, vomiting, or flatulence
Whole body: chills, fever, or loss of appetite
Also common: cramping
Consult a doctor for medical advice
Sources: Mayo Clinic

Friday, February 24, 2023

#Ovarian #cysts definition and #facts Try #Serracor #Nattokinase



Ovarian cysts definition and facts

  • Ovarian cysts are closed, sac-like structures within the ovary that are filled with a liquid or semisolid substance.
  • Ovarian cysts may not cause signs or symptoms. Larger cysts are more likely to cause signs and symptoms such as:
    • Pain in the abdomen, pelvis, sometimes radiating to the low back, is the most common symptom
    • Feeling of bloating or indigestion
    • Increased abdominal girth
    • Feeling an urge to have a bowel movement or having difficult, painful bowel movements
    • Pain during sexual intercourse (dyspareunia)
    • Pain in the lower right or left quadrant of the abdomen on one side
    • Nausea and vomiting
  • There are many causes and types of ovarian cysts, for example, follicular cysts, "chocolate cysts," dermoid cysts, and cysts due to polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).
  • Most ovarian cysts are not cancerous.
  • Most ovarian cysts are diagnosed with ultrasound or physical examination. Transvaginal ultrasound is a common way to examine ovarian cysts.
  • The treatment of an ovarian cyst depends upon the cause of the cyst and varies from observation and monitoring to surgical treatment.
  • Rupture of an ovarian cyst is a complication that sometimes produces severe pain and internal bleeding. A ruptured (burst) ovarian cyst usually causes pain on one side that comes on suddenly.

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Enzymes have a wide range of beneficial effects that help women with ovarian cysts. In fact, they are necessary for reducing the risk for return, even if you use other approaches. Enzymes are naturally contained in food, and no treatment, no matter how effective, will prevent the return of cysts if you don't bother to eat a healthy diet.

Check out the above chart. Ask yourself- can you eat enough lentils to get the beneficial anti-inflammatory effect? NO Yogurt? In fact the more processed food you eat, the less likely you are to get any benefit. Enzyme treatments, like Serracor-NK, for ovarian cysts are the same as natural enzyme treatments for fertility problems. Cysts are often a contributing factor to infertility. The internal inflammation that you can not see if the culprit. There are several types of enzymes that are great for inflammation and cysts. The enzymes that are proven most likely to help control ovarian cysts are bromelain, chymotrypsin, pancreatin, and papain. Females may wish to seek out a product that contains a blend, like SerracorNK.

What are ovarian cysts?

A solid or fluid-filled sac or pocket (cyst) within or on the surface of an ovary. Most ovarian cysts don't cause symptoms. In some cases, menstrual irregularities, pain during intercourse, or irregular bowel movements can occur.

Picture of the female reproductive system 
Picture of the female reproductive system (ovaries, uterus, Fallopian tubes)

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Amazon link

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

#Serracor for #Cysts #Bartholin #Cysts #Floracor

Serrapeptase (that comes from microbes in silk worms) and Nattokinase (derived from fermented soybeans) are AMAZING Enzymes that help your body process out Scar tissues, inflammation and unwanted proteins. 

Ever heard of bartholin cyst ? Read this article. I never knew so many people use Serracor and like products for this type of cyst. 

Found some great reviews and I think it is time ladies know there is a natural remedy. Especially if you are prone to cysts, eat sugar and have a somewhat acidic diet.

 I had my first and hopefully my last bartholin cyst and with the help of antibiotics and lancing it began to get better. I have been desperately trying to find options to not have surgery and read and began taking serrapeptase, I am hoping through taking this I will never have a problem again. Once was enough. Thank you for all the advice and sharing your stories and the discovery of serrapeptase was a God send.

Click the Buy NOW save 10% 
regular price $124 
Direct $112 with free priority mail shipping

So many great and amazing success stories going back more than ten years. If anyone wants a sample to try, please use our contact form. I would love to help you out!

Finding a healthy and organic way to treat scars, scar tissue and a variety of cysts is amazing. This problem is widespread. When I began researching what a customer was telling me I was shocked at the amount of articles that existed. A few common threads they all share:
Cyst prone
Sugar diet
Acidic foods
Recurring bartholin cysts 
Not taking any probiotic, kefir or prebiotic

Taking a daily probiotic seems to be even more crucial for women. The experts say that we should take one everyday.

If you’ve never heard of probiotics—or if you have, but are looking for a deeper understanding—you’ll want to get The Benefits of Probiotics, from the expert physicians at Harvard Medical School. This information-packed guide shares all the latest findings on probiotics and how these helpful bacteria can supercharge your health. 
  •  Scientists are finding that probiotics can be a powerful ally in the fight against a range of health challenges, including: allergies, arthritis, asthma, cancer, depression, heart disease, and gastrointestinal (GI) problems. And a recent study showed that probiotics can even help with weight loss! The guide goes over all of these benefits.
  •  You’ll understand how different probiotics treat different conditions. For example, L.acidophilus has been shown to boost healthy digestion and immune function, while B. longum blocks unfriendly bacteria and yeast. 
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Regular price $45.99
Our direct Price is 10% off
You pay $41 & includes  free shipping