Friday, May 31, 2019

#Diet for #Candida #Overgrowth and #Cleanse with #FloracorGI

According to the Internal Medicine department at the Mayo Clinic, common symptoms of intestinal candida overgrowth are fatigue, headache and poor memory. Uncomfortable to talk about, but discuss these issues with your doctor. Intestinal overgrowth of the fungus-like organism Candida albicans, or yeast syndrome is far more common than you think. To cure the syndrome, the Mayo Clinic recommends a candida cleanse diet, which includes no cheeses, no sugar, no yeast, and no white flour. These foods, in theory, promote candida overgrowth. You may consider the Paleo Diet, as it contains similar foods and most find it easier to follow. Most supermarkets have tabs that let you know it is "Paleo Safe"

Buy Floracor-GI on AMAZON

The Enemy in White Flour & GAPS Diet

When this diet is followed close for at least two weeks, the majority, notice a vast improvement. By stopping the consumption of white flour ( White flour is a highly refined substance that is used in a variety of processed foods and baked goods because it is light, airy and cheap. Unfortunately, refined white flour is completely stripped of its nutrient value, with virtually no vitamins, minerals, or fats to speak of) you are essentially remove carbs and a lot of calories.  So basically you need to
replace processed foods with fresh foods
replace white flour with whole grains

Within a few weeks you will have stopped the growth of yeast in the GI tract, thus complete the candida cleanse diet.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Ladies Suffer from frequent #Bartholin cyst ?? You must try #SerracorNK

Serrapeptase (that comes from microbes in silk worms) and Nattokinase (derived from fermented soybeans) are AMAZING Enzymes that help your body process out Scar tissues, inflammation and unwanted proteins. 

Ever heard of bartholin cyst Read this article. I never knew so many people use Serracor and like products for this type of cyst. 

We did a lot of research and found some great reviews and I think it is time ladies know there is a natural remedy. Especially if you are prone to cysts, eat sugar and have a somewhat acidic diet.

 I had my first and hopefully my last bartholin cyst and with the help of antibiotics and lancing it began to get better. I have been desperately trying to find options to not have surgery and read and began taking serrapeptase, I am hoping through taking this I will never have a problem again. Once was enough. Thank you for all the advice and sharing your stories and the discovery of serrapeptase was a god send.

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Finding a healthy and organic way to treat scars, scar tissue and a variety of cysts is amazing. This problem is widespread. When I began researching what a customer was telling me I was shocked at the amount of articles that existed. A few common threads they all share:
Cyst prone
Sugar diet
Acidic foods
Recurring bartholin cysts 
Not taking any probiotic, kefir or prebiotic

Taking a daily probiotic seems to be even more crucial for women. The experts say that we should take one everyday.

If you’ve never heard of probiotics—or if you have, but are looking for a deeper understanding—you’ll want to get The Benefits of Probiotics, from the expert physicians at Harvard Medical School. This information-packed guide shares all the latest findings on probiotics and how these helpful bacteria can supercharge your health. 
  •  Scientists are finding that probiotics can be a powerful ally in the fight against a range of health challenges, including: allergies, arthritis, asthma, cancer, depression, heart disease, and gastrointestinal (GI) problems. And a recent study showed that probiotics can even help with weight loss! The guide goes over all of these benefits.
  •  You’ll understand how different probiotics treat different conditions. For example, L.acidophilus has been shown to boost healthy digestion and immune function, while B. longum blocks unfriendly bacteria and yeast. 
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