Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Inflammation: Causes, symptoms & treatment Try Excellacor

Causes, symptoms & treatment 

Chronic inflammation - this means long-term inflammation and can last for several months and even years. It can result from: Failure to eliminate whatever was causing an acute inflammation. An autoimmune response to a self-antigen - the immune system attacks normal healthy tissue, mistaking it for harmful pathogens.

How do you know if you have chronic inflammation?
Think of it like the first responder to the scene of the injury. Pain, swelling, redness, and warmth are all signs of inflammation arriving at the site and helping your body with the healing process. Acute inflammation is a brief inflammatory response to an injury or illness that only lasts a few days.

What are the symptoms of chronic inflammation?
How to spot the signs of chronic inflammation:
  • You have a “spare tire” around your waist. ...
  • You have high blood glucose levels. ...
  • You have digestive problems like gas, diarrhea, bloating, or constipation. ...
  • You're tired all the time. ...
  • You have skin problems like eczema or psoriasis, or your skin is red and blotchy.

Systemic Enzyme Therapy
For nearly 40 years, serrapeptase has been at the heart of Systemic Enzyme Therapy –the use and supplementation of systemic enzymes like serrapeptase for optimal cell, tissue, organ and metabolic function.  Likewise, companies, health practitioners, and consumers have turned to the original Exclzyme formulation for their systemic enzyme therapy needs.
The reality is that inflammation affects everyone, and nearly all tissues and organs in the body. Although inflammation in each case may manifest differently, inflammation still has one thing in common: fibrin.
Fibrin is an essential protein that is produced during inflammation. It is the initial first step in the body’s attempts at recovery.  However, when inflammation has become prolonged, fibrin along with other proteins such as collagen can begin to transform original tissue into a tough fibrous matrix.  Differentiated and sometimes sequestered apart from healthy tissue, this fibrous matrix still has the biological markers of inflammation. Nutrients, and other building blocks are still needed for healthy normal tissue.

Monday, October 2, 2017

What you must know about Candida yeast & FLORACOR

How Bad Is Your Candida?



What is Candida Yeast:

It’s a type of yeast—a single-celled fungus—that lurks in your intestinal tract. And make no mistake, everybody has it. Men, women, seniors, and children.

This microorganism is called candida. When your gut flora is balanced, it’s part of a normal system that helps with digestion and nutrient absorption. However, it can quickly spiral out of control. Under the right circumstances, candida can double in quantity every 30 minutes. Before you know it, it can start impacting your quality of life.

According to health experts, candida infections are now an epidemic in America. As many as 70% of people have an overgrowth according to some estimates.

If you’ve ever had any of these symptoms, you must take our Floracor-GI Get rid of candida infection:
  • Bloating
  • Diarrhea
  • Intense cravings
  • Tongue thrush
  • Headaches
  • Belly fat
  • Smelly feet
  • Skin rashes

This is a guide from researchers at the Institute for Natural Healing—and it could change your life. answer yes to 2 of these and you need

 Have you experienced heartburn, indigestion, bloating, or irritable bowel symptoms?

 How often do you have sores in your mouth or a white coaching on your tongue?
 How often do you have urinary tract infections?
 Do you ever get ear pain or sinus infections?
How often do you eat processed food from a box, bag, or restaurant?
 In the last 24 months, have you taken an antibiotic or birth control pills?
 Do you take nutritional supplements that support gut health such as probiotics or other anti-fungal products?