Although the exact cause of Fibromyalgia Syndrome is not completely
understood the symptoms and irritation are quite common and often
misdiagnosed as Arthritis, Bursitis, and even Superficial Tissue
Disorder. Serracor-NK supports healthy response to inflammation. These
conditions are self-perpetuating. The more pain you have the more
inflamed the area becomes and the more inflamed the area becomes, the
more pain you will have. Over the counter Non Steroidal Anti
Inflammatory (NSAIDS) like aspirin are useless at relieving significant
pain and can be toxic in high doses to organs. NSAIDS may at best
provide insignificant pain relief and impair the body's ability to
repair itself.

Muscle Relaxants
Many doctors prescribe muscle relaxants such as Flexeril, Soma,
Skelaxin, and Robaxin. If any relief is found while using these drugs it
is definitely temporary. While the muscle and the body become relaxed,
so does the central nervous system responsible for circulation and
immune function. Fibromyalgia suffers have also reported feeling hazy or
clouded. This may only increase with the use of drugs that cause
drowsiness. Certain systemic (or whole body) enzymes such as those found
in Serracor-NK actually stimulate the immune system, increasing
cellular repair, relieve pain reduce inflammation, as well as increase
mobility and nutrients to damaged areas while removing waste. These
functions must happen simultaneously or the body does not have time to
repair and the irritation increases.