Saturday, April 8, 2017

NEW Promo 15% off all items on AMAZON

For the first time we are offering 15% off all items on AMAZON

Use this code UWO7FTK
and  get 15% each product. This offer is good through the end of the month. We are growing and so excited to share our success
 Floracor on Amazon
Use this code
Use this code UWO7FTK

and  get 15% each product. This offer is good through the end of the month. We are growing and so excited to share our success

Use this code
Use this code UWO7FTK

and  get 15% each product. This offer is good through the end of the month. We are growing and so excited to share our success

Thursday, March 30, 2017

How Do Systemic Enzymes Work


How Systemic Enzymes Work

 What do the enzymes do if they aren’t digesting your food?

When you take enzymes, specifically protease or proteolytic enzymes, on an empty stomach, instead of the protease helping to digest the protein from your meal, the enzymes will enter your bloodstream to support the circulatory system, the immune system and work to support overall detoxification. The better the blood flow and the healthier your circulatory system, the better the detoxification. This type of enzyme use is called “systemic enzyme supplementation.” The use of systemic enzymes is great for healthy individuals, but can provide additional support for those with compromised immune systems.

Some conditions that may be exacerbated by undigested proteins and food particles in your body are leaky gut, arthritis, fibromyalgia, CFS, allergies, to name just a few.